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Error 404104 + Account help


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1.  Since today I cannot use Privacy VPN, since upon connecting it gives error code: 404104.

2. I try to submit a support ticket, but I think something is wrong. Both possible subscription email adresses, which I tried upon creating a support ticket, both come back  to 1 email adress. The ticket immediately gets closed and I am unable to contact you through a ticket.

Privacy Log:



03/16/23    " 22:43:53.739"    33790390    2d54    457c    WARNING    LicenseControllerImpl    mb::licensecontrollerimpl::KeystoneImpl::SendVpnRequest    "keystoneimpl.cpp"    2889    "SendRequest returned with responseBody ()."
03/16/23    " 22:43:53.739"    33790390    2d54    457c    WARNING    LicenseControllerImpl    mb::licensecontrollerimpl::KeystoneImpl::RegisterClientVpnPublicKey    "keystoneimpl.cpp"    2691    "SendVpnRequest failed trying to RegisterClientVpnPublicKey with VOS. Code: 500, Message: "
03/16/23    " 22:43:53.739"    33790390    2d54    457c    ERROR    VPNControllerCOM    CMBVpnController::RegisterClientVpnPublicKeyCallback    "mbvpncontrollercallbacks.cpp"    118    "LicenseController::RegisterClientVpnPublicKey returned error, HResult=80004005"
03/16/23    " 22:43:53.739"    33790390    2d54    457c    ERROR    VPNControllerImpl    mb::vpncontrollerimpl::VPNControllerImpl::RegisterClientKey    "vpncontrollerimpl.cpp"    821    "Error registering client key. Response:  HTTP Code: 0"
03/16/23    " 22:43:53.739"    33790390    2d54    457c    WARNING    VPNControllerImpl    mb::vpncontrollerimpl::VPNControllerImpl::RegisterNewClientConfig    "vpncontrollerimpl.cpp"    763    "Unable to register client key via DNS.  Trying static IP."
03/16/23    " 22:43:54.389"    33791046    2d54    457c    WARNING    HttpConnection    mb::common::net::HttpConnection::SendRequest    "httpconnection.cpp"    309    "HTTP request failed, status code: 400"
03/16/23    " 22:43:54.389"    33791046    2d54    457c    WARNING    LicenseControllerImpl    mb::licensecontrollerimpl::KeystoneImpl::SendVpnRequest    "keystoneimpl.cpp"    2900    "Received a [400] response from VOS. This indicates that VOS didn't accept the format of our request, or the Key wasn't found."
03/16/23    " 22:43:54.389"    33791046    2d54    457c    WARNING    LicenseControllerImpl    mb::licensecontrollerimpl::KeystoneImpl::SendVpnRequest    "keystoneimpl.cpp"    2910    "SendRequest RequestBody ({
   ""installation_token"": ""eAhzYPcUcQpxA7xyvbdW1669649786"",
   ""public_key"": ""yb8Kztam1olageJMfjCLUJ6FT0uRj9JfoLqEvVlJ3kY=""

I hope you can both help me getting Privacy VPN back working again and resolve the account issue, where trying 2 emailadresses get answered to 1 and the same email adress stating that there is no subscription known and tickets get closed.
(when logging in on the website, I can see my subscription active).

Kind regards.

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7 minutes ago, PietK said:

Ps. I runned the Support Tool and tried to repair the software with this tool too. It didn't help. 

Please do the following so that we may take a closer look at your installation for troubleshooting:

NOTE: The tools and the information obtained is safe and not harmful to your privacy or your computer, please allow the programs to run if blocked by your system.


  • Download the Malwarebytes Support Tool
  • In your Downloads folder, open the mb-support-x.x.x.xxx.exe file
  • In the User Account Control pop-up window, click Yes to continue the installation
  • Run the MBST Support Tool
  • In the left navigation pane of the Malwarebytes Support Tool, click Advanced
  • In the Advanced Options, click Gather Logs. A status diagram displays the tool is Getting logs from your machine
  • A zip file named mbst-grab-results.zip will be saved to your desktop, please upload that file on your next reply


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2 minutes ago, AdvancedSetup said:

We don't need the logs. What you posted shows some type of license issue. Please open a support ticket and someone will assist you further. @PietK

Consumer Support



Thank you


Thank you for the quick look! Apreciated!

The point is tho, I can not make a support ticket. When I do this, I get the following email:



Thank you for contacting Malwarebytes support, we're unable to locate a subscription with the email provided. If another email address was used to purchase your subscription, please submit a new ticket with that email address.


I am using the email adress that works on the website and shows my active subscription when logged in. 

Although, I think there has been a mix-up of some sort, where I bought a new subscripting using my 2nd email adress, and then merged the license in the 1st email adress account.


Bottom line; I cannot make a new support ticket, it gets automatically closed immediately. There is no way for me to contact support, other than this forum thread.


Maybe a member of support can DM me here, or use the public license key to manually start a ticket with me? I am not able to start anything at this moment.

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