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This continues another forum post https://forums.malwarebytes.com/topic/295723-outlook365-encrypted-email-phishing-malware-or-actually-legit/. The intention is to manage email offline. Saving a Gmail message as an EML file may be fine for others. Copy/paste in a Word Doc is OK but I want a no-frills condensed version. Therefore I'm looking at Notepad.

Currently have old version 6.1 associated with unsupported Windows 7 home premium. I see Notepad++ is free. Here's their current download list.


  • Is it safe?
  • Is it satisfactory for basic editing functions?
  • Is anyone a fan of Notepad++?


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Notepad++  is nothing but an Editor.  Excellent for Scripting different codes (BAT, CMD, PS1, KIX, JS, VBS, PY, HTML, PHP, etc).  It has nothing to do with email.  It just makes viewing the RAW contents of a .EML file easier.

As I noted in the referenced thread. the way to manage email offline is to use an Email Client such as Mozilla Thunderbird.

For example:

You have 100 messages from 2021 and you want to move them out of your email InBox or from an IMAP folder, you can Archive them to a local folder on the PC.


Edited by David H. Lipman
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OK, Thunderbird would allow me to

On 3/11/2023 at 12:00 PM, David H. Lipman said:

move them out of your email InBox or from an IMAP folder, you can Archive them to a local folder on the PC.

That's exactly what I'd like to do. Can you provide a web link or a forum post about that process? When it comes to IMAP, I am clueless.

Went ahead and brought one account in. Nice so far.


3/14 I'm loving Thunderbird mail-spent 2 trouble-free hours moving mail- with a simple "save as" to my local folders, printing with my new HP printer, double sided no less, and ready to file in the archives. A painless experience which leaves me in a good mood.

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First you must realize that Thunderbird (aka; T-Bird) is customizable.  If you are not accustomed to using an Email Client then the first thing is to setup the software to login to the Email's SMTP Server (that sends email) and the IMAP Server (that holds your InBox and all online email folders).  T-Bird is very good at configuring the server settings for SMTP and IMAP and makes it easy.  You just have to know your Email Address and associated Password.

In T-Bird there are two kinds of Folders;  Online IMAP Folders and Local Folders.

Online IMAP Folders exist on your Email Server.
Local Folders exist on your PC

Archiving Email can be as easy as manually selecting individual emails on an Online IMAP Folder and then Dragging & Dropping those selected emails to a Local Folder.

Or you can automate the Archival Process via T-Bird's capabilities.


If you are new to Email Clients like T-Bird, I suggest doing it manually until you are well acquainted to the use of the software.

Once you have setup T-Bird for your email it will show all the Online IMAP Folders that exist on your Email Server and the Local Folders that exist on your PC.

The Local Folders will look something like...


Now I want to create a Folder in which I want to place old emails I want to archive into.  I'll call that Folder;  Daves Archives

To do that I Right-Click on Local Folders and choose "New Folder"

I'll get a dialogue and I will provide that name;  Daves Archives


Now the Local Folders will look like...



I can create sub-folders under Daves Archives  at-will and they can be relevant to a particular subject matter or simply  a Month or Year.

Once I create that structure, I can then look at email on the Online IMAP Folder and Drag & Drop them in my chosen Local Daves Archives folder or sub-folder.

One thing to note is when you Drag & Drop an email from an Online Folder to a Local Folder it is moved.  But if need be, you can do the reverse by taking that moved email now residing in the Local Folder and Drag & Drop it back into the Online Folder.

Another thing to note about T-Bird is is it is NOT limited to one email account.  You can setup T-Bird to access multiple accounts.  I have T-Bird setup to access 5 accounts simultaneously.  The benefit is, I can Drag & Drop an email from my Verizon Account to a folder on my Yahoo or GMX account and visa-versa.


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30 minutes ago, NewTricks said:

To use an Animated GIF (aka;  Ani-GIF) like the above Snoopy, you can do two things.

  1. Right-Click on the Ani-GIF and choose Same Image As..  and copy it to a folder on your PC and collect Ani-GIFS that you can then insert/attach it/them in the future.  I have a Zoo of 'em.
  2. Right-Click on the Ani-GIF and choose Copy Image Link.  The URL to the GIF will then be placed in the Clipboard as...

You can then just paste that GIF URL into a Forum Post and you'll get... [ I reduced its size in the below rendering ]




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37 minutes ago, David H. Lipman said:

T-Bird is very good at configuring the server settings for SMTP and IMAP and makes it easy.

No truer words were spoken-totally easy. 

38 minutes ago, David H. Lipman said:

Online IMAP Folders exist on your Email Server.
Local Folders exist on your PC

I appreciate knowing the difference.


40 minutes ago, David H. Lipman said:

Right-Click on Local Folders



41 minutes ago, David H. Lipman said:

when you Drag & Drop an email from an Online Folder to a Local Folder it is moved.



42 minutes ago, David H. Lipman said:

You can setup T-Bird to access multiple accounts

Two out of 6 are in T-Bird. 


43 minutes ago, David H. Lipman said:

can Drag & Drop an email from my Verizon Account to a folder on my Yahoo or GMX account and visa-versa.


This is currently an advanced concept for the second hour of using Thunderbird, but I will follow this post and refer back to it. 


Ooooooo, you caught the millisecond between my edit of the gif and the static image. This saves me asking you how to do this later. 😂  Placing gifs is not at the top of the priority list, but it's nice to have options. 

I feel a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction that one more task on my "to do" list is well under way. As usual, thanks for the kind and patient instruction. 



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After you insert a Graphic or Paste a URL of a Graphic and the Graphic is rendered in the Post, Double-Click on the Graphic.

You will get this type of Dialogue...





Note that you can Reduce the size of a Graphic and change its Aspect Ratio but you can not Enlarge a Graphic.


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  • Root Admin

Not sure if you can afford it or want to but the Microsoft Outlook client (as part of the Microsoft 365 plan) is an excellent mail program that also allows saving ALL your emails, even from other vendors into a PST file.

Introduction to Outlook Data Files (.pst and .ost)

7 Easy Ways To Open PST File Without Outlook

Microsoft 365 Family ( $99.99/year )


But don't cry, you can use Thunderbird for free and it too is an excellent mail program. But no PST support


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Thank you for the ideas and suggestions @AdvancedSetup, I really enjoy that gif!

Two thoughts: 

Outlook falls into my iffy category. It may have improved since I used it decades ago and I vowed I'd never go back. That's how I ended up with Gmail, with a short detour into Yahoo. Soon my free ride with remote access to 365 ends, and if I want to access 100% of my Word files, I'll be forced to pay for it somehow. Either as a standalone or the Suite. I appreciate the helpful links, Microsoft Family may be the answer. Considering I anticipated upgrades to my router, my OS and a web cam, I see swirling $ signs. 

Notepad++ looks good for people who know programming. I wish I knew more. 

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1 minute ago, NewTricks said:

...and if I want to access 100% of my Word files, I'll be forced to pay for it somehow. Either as a standalone or the Suite. I appreciate the helpful links, Microsoft Family may be the answer. Considering I anticipated upgrades to my router, my OS and a web cam, I see swirling $ signs.

Alternative, LibreOffice

LibreOffice and T-Bird make a handsome couple.

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Yes, I can see myself diving into LibreOffice. I know you're a fan from prior posts, and  I peeked at it earlier before I turned the corner and jumped into change with both feet.  It may be that finances ultimately drive the decision- as usual. I am either delusional or optimistic enough to believe there is a "good enough" answer to arrive at the right combination of programs to efficiently accomplish goals. 

On 3/11/2023 at 5:48 PM, David H. Lipman said:

LibreOffice and T-Bird make a handsome couple.

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  • Root Admin

LibreOffice and Thunderbird are a great combination.

I was talking about Outlook the Desktop Client not the email provider. However, Gmail (in my opinion, sucks) all email is thrown into the same folder and only has or allows tagging. Outlook the mail allows one to create an unlimited amount of folders and sub-folders and allows tagging, flagging, and many many more things than Gmail does.



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The topic is Libre Office file conversion and is resurrected because my free remote access to Office 365 ends next week 

My primary interest is Word/docx files, followed by Excel/xlsx. Some sites say it's as simple as selecting a file from a drop down menu. Other sites/forums say that doesn't work, or work as it should. One such claim: "LibreOffice has a built-in document converter that makes it easy to convert various file types to the Open Document Type file (.odt) format that both OpenOffice and LibreOffice use."

Let's start with this-

I'd like to know if the conversion process works equally well both ways? from .odt to .docx? and from .docx to .odt?

Thanks for your voice(s) of experience-


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