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Spectrum Shows Some Love


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The Spectrum story began almost 6 months ago when I called up to inform them of a move. My part in the fiasco was I did it in advance, not 48 hours ahead. 🙄

[T-Mobile Backstory detail: I am unable to hear on the telephone and use T-Mobile's IP relay service  Relay voice calls. The point here is that every call has a transcript which includes length of call, every word uttered, the person calling, the person speaking and the person who facilitates this interaction-a/k/a the communication assistant with gender ID and #. (Sorry Dave, there are no other options available for people who don't know ASL) Sprint was acquired by T Mobile in 2021. 

Part of my relay services is tied into my physical address. But there's a glitch here too. It is unable to be changed from 3 addresses prior. So, if I suddenly need help. responders will arrive 30 miles away from where I am. Good to know. End of T-Mobile complaint]

Aside from unexpectedly terminating my internet at home, causing me to make 5 hours of calls and 3 in person visits, I then had the pleasure of building character because I endured additional 3 weeks with 4 telephone reps, because they pulled a discount from me. Finally it all worked out, but I chose to pay an additional amount, rejecting a "special offer" because that was worth not interacting with them EVER AGAIN.

Then 4 months of false security went by. Friday I thought I was logging into my Spectrum webmail via biometrics on my phone. WHAT!? Red letters with a dreaded message- not found. Something temporary. No problem. Wait a couple days. Then this morning, on the desktop, same thing. Drag out the paperwork, get my security code, read my MAC address, enter 3 different numbers 3 times. No dice.

My chat agent told me very nicely I did not have an account associated with my present address. But, wait. I did have an email account associated with my former address. AND THEN, the heavens opened, the clouds parted.

Shakira said, " I will transfer that account." And she did. In less than one minute. In order to wrap this up with a bow, my last query was: "I am assuming that the email was operating for 4 months within your system which was tied to a former address, and on March 1, the system did a check, caught this, removed and disabled the account. Correct?" her response, Yes. Correct. Whew. Only 4 months. I couldn't help but think about all the breaches I've reach about on the forum and the time that passes between finding a problem and remediating it. This was not a breach, but it was a Spectrum error. Fortunately for me, I started the day with a "happy ending."




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11 hours ago, NewTricks said:

 I was logging into my Spectrum webmail via biometrics on my phone.


Please do yourself a security favor and disassociate the convenience of logging in via face or fingerprint and go back to using a typed in password.

If compromised can be used anywhere you used including all passwords in your key chain if associated that way.

Not that you have anything to hide, but you cannot typically be compelled to provide your password without a court order. Opening your phone via putting it in front of your face or touching your finger to it is also not covered by that same protection.

You can do as you like as it's your phone and your data, but a password is more secure.


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@AdvancedSetup, thank you for the caution and advice. I didn't know this - so there's a learning curve, foregoing convenience and developing new habits. Easy right?

Here are some sites which got me started:



Politician's fingerprint 'cloned from photos' by hacker


We can agree

  • It has been done and will probably continue to be done. It might be the next big thing.
  • The permanency of a biometric hack is indisputable.
  • Alternatives are widely available and commonly used.

In the recent past, my discontinued LG phone suddenly had new behavior after an update: unlocking via fingerprint disappeared and replaced by a PIN. Each and every time, after a 5 minute interval. Could this be part of an overall industry change away from biometrics?  



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Not sure if it will be an industry move away from biometrics but I wish it was.

Here was a recent reply I received back from 1Password when I sent them an email with my displeasure about them moving to a biometric preference on future product updates.


Hey there,

Thanks for your feedback regarding biometrics. We take security concerns like this very seriously and are working through ways we can enable folks to select an authentication approach that fits their needs. Passkeys do support using a pin instead of biometrics, so that may help with your concerns to some extent, but we also plan to continue supporting password based authentication for the foreseeable future. We understand that many people may not be comfortable with passwordless technology at the outset, so we hope to win trust in our specific implementation over time.

Thanks again,



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I'm impressed they responded, even if it was a script. That's a version of "we hear ya, but don't hold your breath." 

FYI, I signed up for a free trial of 1Password that lasted approximately 3 hours. (a couple weeks ago) Pen in hand, carefully noted my master password, which worked several times on the phone without problems. The same credentials used at a desktop, the the same room, failed 3 times. 

I threw in the towel but left told myself to try another time. 

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