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SFR sim hacked or ?

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Hello: my android had a french SIM installed while I was in a foreign country for a bit. I did not bother to check email sender validity (that is, to see if a msg was an obvious scam/junk) while out of country. But on return, I did check & (continue to) find 100s of junk/scam emails /week. My email prg now has learned that most are scam/junk, but it has taken a few learning weeks.

-I think "something" was hacked. How can I determine which? All or most of the junk/scams went to 1 email address, which I set up exactly for less important things & expect junk/scams to be targetted there. But since there were 2 possible entry pts (SIM or email) how can I determine which? Brief web search on SFR SIM did not reveal hacking info. My comprehension of a reply by SFR tech is not good (we both "speak" french, but my honest grade level this techie topic prob 2nd grade, there are probably truly fluent 3rd grade french kids who can ask the right ques & get an understood answer).

-The prob is further complicated by my MBteams for android just installed a few mins ago, & finding nothing serious, which contradicts my worry that hackers got into the SIM or android. So any answers as to how hackers, if any, accessed just 1 of my email accts & now send endless junk/spam?

Thank you, stay safe.

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Hi @mwbusr,

I can assure you it has nothing to do with your SIM card.  Unfortunately, emails get passed along to spammers and things can slip through spam filters.  Every time you enter your email somewhere, there's the possibility it will be retrieved by spammers.  They can even do brute force selection of random email addresses to see which ones send back no recipient requests, and which ones are live emails.  Sounds like your spam filter caught up to the issue, so I wouldn't worry too much about it.


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