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Newbie needs help!

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Hi folks

I am a Windows 10 (64b) user and yesterday I got infected by something which has started the 2 attached popups to harass me endlessly.

I ran my Vipre Anti Virus (which I have always found to be excellent) and it said my laptop was clean.

I then purchased the Premium version of Malwarebytes and ran that. It came up with 57 buglets which I duly quarantined. Re-ran the program and then came up clean.

However, these damn popups continue.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thank you in advance.



Virus detected (5).png

McAfee Web Advisor.png

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7 minutes ago, polygonpublishing said:

Does anyone have any suggestions?

It sounds like an issue with the push notifications feature in Chromium based browsers (which includes MS Edge).  Please see if the instructions in this Malwarebytes Labs article help or not.

Please let us know how it goes and if the issue still persists.


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  • Root Admin

Some advice to help keep the computer safe @polygonpublishing


  1. Recommend using a Password Manager for all websites, etc. that require a password. Never use the same password on more than one site.
  2. Make sure you're backing up your files https://forums.malwarebytes.com/topic/136226-backup-software/
  3. Keep all software up to date - PatchMyPC - https://patchmypc.com/home-updater#download
  4. Keep your Operating System up to date and current at all times - https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/windows-update-faq-8a903416-6f45-0718-f5c7-375e92dddeb2
  5. Further tips to help protect your computer data and improve your privacy: https://forums.malwarebytes.com/topic/258363-tips-to-help-protect-from-infection/ 
  6. Please consider installing the following Content Blockers for your Web browsers if you haven't done so already. This will help improve overall security

Malwarebytes Browser Guard

uBlock Origin


Further reading if you like to keep up on the malware threat scene: Malwarebytes Blog  https://blog.malwarebytes.com/

Hopefully, we've been able to assist you with correcting your system issues.

Thank you for using Malwarebytes


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