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Tha Dawg

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this is a false positive, by IP block. not by scan. I am a member of neobux, and is a paid to click site, and I know it is legit. I have been paid many times from here. Please update the IP blocker to not block this IP. I hate to have to turn off IP blocker so I can get there. I have done scans, and neo never leaves anything malicious on my comp.

I am a comp expert, I build, maintain, and repair computers & OS's for many people. Have knowledge going all the way back to C64 (commodore business machines) days. I don't have a scan file for you, but, this has not been blocked before, and it upsets me, cause I have to have IP block turned off while I click my links. and I do not like turning off IP block, even though I have other software to protect me. also inner tweaks in windows that stop more stuff. My comp is like fort knox, and I know that IP is not malicious.

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