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Is it possible to own a account that dont have a special symbol in password

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This was the subject "Is it possible to own a account that dont have a special symbol in password"

It all depends upon the system.  Some require it and some do not.  Some have a low minimum number of characters, some require more.

You question was not specific on WHAT account you are referring to.

No matter what, it is always suggested to use a Strong Password and what Special Characters are allowed is system dependent.

A good Strong Password consists of

  • 2 x Upper Characters
  • 2 x Lower Characters
  • 2 x Numbers
  • 2 x Special Characters
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  • Root Admin

Password strength test

Password Generator Plus




Never trust online password generators, including this one
For best security, use the generator that ships with your password manager. It should properly handle creating strong passwords for you.
Due to the increasing power of computers you might want to consider 16 characters as the minimum and if possible 20 along with Multi-factor authentication


Considering that Keepass is free and open source and is about the only program I've found so far that can at least tackle a 20 character password

and pass, just not on every try, I think it is still a great tool to use for making good passwords, but any of the big players such as 1Password, Bitwarden etc. should be able to

create a good strong password too. The key is that it's very difficult to securely be online without using a password manager today.


1Password Will Kill the Last Password You Needed




Edited by AdvancedSetup
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