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Disabling IP Protection Issue


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Since I've upgraded to Windows7 I've noticed one big bug in the software...when I'm trying to go to a site that is blocked through IP protection that I know is safe, I try to disable IP Protection in the right click menu and when I click it, it simply doesn't disable it. Any insight to this?

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Since I've upgraded to Windows7 I've noticed one big bug in the software...when I'm trying to go to a site that is blocked through IP protection that I know is safe, I try to disable IP Protection in the right click menu and when I click it, it simply doesn't disable it. Any insight to this?

Couldn't find the edit button lol but it seems I'm mistaken about this bug..it actually does disable it just takes a few seconds. I recall when this first happened to me I had just finished playing call of duty and the ip protection was going haywire and it actually wouldn't stop and I had to exit the application through process explorer.

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