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"Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permission to access the item"

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Foremost, I'd like to thank anyone in advance for the help. Today, I randomly started getting this message:

"Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permission to access the item"

Thus, I tried to open my anti virus to do a scan and even that gave me the same message. So, I thought this is a virus and I installed Avast anti-virus to do a scan but when I restarted the computer, even Avast gave me the same message.

I've been on the internet looking for some fixes for hours now but nothing is working.


That's what happened earlier. After that, I did a system restore and restored my computer to 3 days earlier. After that, it was working fine..until I did a spyware scan with my anti virus (Bell Security Services) and then my anti virus shut down. I've been getting the same message since.

I tried to also run MBAM and HijackThis, both installed fine. Then, I ran the scan and in the middle, both shut down and now the programs won't open. I get the same message.

Thanks again, this is really whack :S


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