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Running MalwareBytes on Linux

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I'm not really sure where this topic should go but I've migrated my PC to (Arch) Linux and want to take MalwareBytes with me. The problem is, it's not running in Wine - it won't even try because it just pops up with an error saying that I have insufficient permissions at the disk or registry level. Same error when I run it in sudo, with or without Bottles, Firejail or even just natively in Wine. It's very frustrating as this kind of silliness is why I moved to Linux in the first place.

Clearly, this is looking for some registry keys or something to detect I have permissions. Can someone let me know what this is please so I can add them to my Wine registry and let it run? It would be very much appreciated, thank you.

FYI - I know this is detecting only Windows viruses, I'm not an idiot so please don't go down that path etc, thanks....

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