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After several years of using the Malwarebytes lifetime license 08.10.2022, someone remotely deactivated my license key so that the program started in the free version. When I tried to re-enter the license key, the program refused to activate and an icon appeared that read: "License key error. There was a problem with your license key. Contact support."
I immediately contacted support and opened Malwarebytes Support ticket 4037247.
It's been over a month since then and I still haven't received any response from support. I did not open any additional support tickets during this time period and there was no response from the support team in the junk/spam mailbox either.
I thank you in advance for any help and solution to the mentioned problem.

Unable to activate device.PNG

There was a problem with your license key. Contact support..PNG

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Malwarebytes support already at the start requested a written confirmation of the purchase of the license. Since the purchase was made in physical form long ago before 2014 from a local IT company, which is no longer in business today, and I have moved several times during that time, I seem to have thrown the mentioned documentation in the trash, because I did not foresee that I would ever need it again needed. Malwarebytes Support refers only to the applicable license agreement and its contents and does not consider any opinion, wish, suggestion or satisfaction of its customers. Even if I have said license key registered to my Malwarebytes account. They are obviously only interested in pure profit and are probably working on deactivating as many or all lifetime licenses as possible in the long term without concrete reasons, thus forcing their customers to pay high annual subscriptions and thus literally draining them financially. I am very disappointed with their business policy and their support service, so I am considering abandoning their program and services and moving to competing companies, which will be cheaper, better quality and above all, where they care about the satisfaction of their customers.

MY subscription.png

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  • Root Admin

Support replied with the following


I apologize for any confusion. This information is and always has been required for any third-party purchases. This is to prove ownership and is for the safety and security of all of our customers and their licenses.
Malwarebytes licenses are non-transferable except by authorized Malwarebytes re-sellers. This is, and has always been, clearly laid out in both our End User License Agreement (Section 1, subsection a, Section 1, subsection b, and Section 2, subsection d) and in our Terms of Service which states, in part,

"Rights in Content Granted by Malwarebytes

Subject to your compliance with these Terms, Malwarebytes grants you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable license to download, view, copy, display, and print the Content solely in connection with your permitted use of the Services and solely for your personal and non-commercial purposes."

In order to assist with the license, we must verify ownership. Keep in mind we are not verifying possession, but actual ownership. Nothing has changed in the way we market or enforce the rules. We certainly have no plans to deactivate lifetime licenses for those customers who purchased them legitimately.



I will go ahead and close your topic.

Thank you


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