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Malwarebytes triggers UAC

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Just installed Malwarebytes on my Windows 7 Pro machine. Everything runs fine but when I start the computer, Malwarebytes triggers a UAC warning. Is there any way to get it to run without the warning? I've tried setting the compatibility options to "Run as Administrator" on all the .exe files but that did not help.

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Download the follow ZIP archive, extract it on to your Desktop, and double-click on the file that it contains. Make sure to answer 'Yes' to the question it asks, and then restart your computer after it imports into the registry. Note that this only works on 32-bit editions of Windows, and if you need it for a 64-bit edition of Windows then let me know.


You'll want to keep that little fix around just in case it happens again. Note that this issue is fixed in version 1.42, and will no longer happen after that version is released.

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