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For those still on Monterey and the Ventura bug

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Does the bug that is affecting full disk access for those running Ventura affect users updating the latest Monterey version 12.6.1?

I'm holding off on Ventura, but wondering if the issue in Ventura that is causing this bug might have also been introduced in 12.6.1.



Edited by Kehrer
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Good to know, as I figured this was the best place to ask. Just wanted to be sure I didn't need to take action after the 12.6.1 MacOS Update.

I read someplace it was an unknown yet for the latest Monterey update and wanted to find out here so I know.

Thank you, as always Al

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  • Staff

I'm not entirely sure, but I suspect Monterey 12.6.1 is not affected. The particular issue that Apple was trying to fix, and in the process caused this bug to occur, is not mentioned in the 12.6.1 security change notes. So I suspect it is not going to be affected. However, I can't say I've tested it, so I don't have personal experience yet to say for sure.

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Yep. All Good. I was reading a thought in one of the comments on this post (which I think Appleinsider was a bit to much alarm on).

So, I knew this was the best place to ask.

In that post, a user talked about Cocktail needing full access with issues....


As always, thank you BOTH for responding. Great customer service!!!!



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