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Include in the "Leader Board"

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Why is this content not included in https://forums.malwarebytes.com/leaderboard/

Every other topic seems to be covered, but as I like to keep up the lagging Tailwaggers and Jokes content, I am not included as a "Contributor".

I can't keep this up for many more years (some at the top may be happy), and as (almost) a founding member here, I deserve to be appreciated.

Exile360 taught me a lot, AdvancedSetup fixed (or deleted) several posts, and with MT16 / Yardbird / Waving man 😄 / and others, we got things going.

AdvancedSetup can now delete this, or agree with me, or we can put it up to a vote. - All in favor reply - Y - against reply - N

Thanks for reading.

Edited by AdvancedSetup
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  • Root Admin

Each day, three members with the most reputation for the day are stored in a leaderboard with an award. Gold, Silver, Bronze and one runner up without an award

The forums allows likes (I liked both your posts above) but in order for you to actually get on the Leaderboard you would have to receive more likes than any other members within a 24 hour period and between Maurice, David, and Porthos that can be difficult as they post any many different forums daily.


If I removed the block from myself I would probably kick others off the leaderboard as I do a lot of replies on the forum too that can often generate likes for helping someone to resolve an issue.


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  • Root Admin

Yep, when I allow mine to be used I kicked one user off the list



Top Members



So, you can see that David and Porthos are both beating my count level at different times

The system looks to be working correctly - you just need to post a lot more in other areas where your posts may be seen. Not everyone visits the Joke area



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