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Malwarebytes privacy and malwarebytes 5.


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I'm looking for renew my 2 year license with Malwarebytes privacy because it's one of the fastest VPN's on the market. Will my key transfer to the new Malwarebytes premium when it's released? That way i only have to manage one UI? Also will we still be able to download the standalone VPN client for people on the household that use 1 of my 5 seats?  

Edited by brad03
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Take this with a grain of salt, as licensing might undergo further changes in the future, but the plan at the current moment is this:

1.If you have a Malwarebytes MyAccount where you purchased your subscriptions, or added your existing Premium and VPN license keys, then yes, your MB5 client will be in Premium Plus state, which means you will only have to manage one UI for both. :) 

2. VPN Standalone client will no longer be available when MB5 releases, but you will be able to activate VPN-only licenses/seats in MB5. This way UI will be in "Malwarebytes VPN" state. It will also have all the Free antimalware functionality as well.

Edited by icolcear
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On 10/17/2022 at 9:41 AM, icolcear said:

Take this with a grain of salt, as licensing might undergo further changes in the future, but the plan at the current moment is this:

1.If you have a Malwarebytes MyAccount where you purchased your subscriptions, or added your existing Premium and VPN license keys, then yes, your MB5 client will be in Premium Plus state, which means you will only have to manage one UI for both. :) 

2. VPN Standalone client will no longer be available when MB5 releases, but you will be able to activate VPN-only licenses/seats in MB5. This way UI will be in "Malwarebytes VPN" state. It will also have all the Free antimalware functionality as well.

"My personal opinion" i would very much hope they only include the "vpn functionality" and not have Malwarebytes free Intergrated i feel that if a person wants just a stand-alone VPN then it should be "standalone" IMO.   

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