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First off, I am totally new to the forums, I believe this is my first post, but I have been using MB for about a decade and have recommended it to countless people. Please forgive me if I put this post in the wrong place.


I'm running MB premium on Win 11. I have two browsers installed that I use. One is Firefox which I have securely locked down and it is configured to use a proxy server. The other browser is Chrome, not configured to use a proxy, and I primarily use it for shopping, simple tasks that do not require a high degree of privacy, however, I still have it filled up with a bunch of security blocker programs including MB browser add on, like it a lot. 

Now issue is, when running Firefox, because I am surfing using a proxy server, MB does not seem to be able to detect incoming threats and offer real time protection because of this, it only protects me with Chrome. However, I see that MB has the ability to be configured to run on my servers network, but then that would leave Chrome exposed, correct? So my question is (on the off chance) is there anyway to configure MB to block threats from both my proxy configured browser and my non proxy configured browser? Is there any way the software can provide protection for both at the same time? 

Thanks for your time.

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