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Malwarebytes Browser Guard - issue in Firefox


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I have an open ticket with customer support since three weeks ago with problems with my Malwarebytes browserguard in Firefox. It goes very slowly with the the replies from customer support. Why is it going so slow with the support?

Edited by sten2
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18 minutes ago, Porthos said:

That would have been faster and better discussed and solved in most cases here on the forums.

Then what are the purpose of having a customer service at all,if it not gives feedback?


No,i dont think so. This issue goes deep,and i dont think average users could help with this issue.

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1 minute ago, sten2 said:

i dont think average users could help with this issue.

Staff is also here to assist as you should already know including the dev of browser guard.


2 minutes ago, sten2 said:

Then what are the purpose of having a customer service at all

Licensing issues for the most part.

As for the support request, Have you submitted more than one request and what is your ticket number?

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45 minutes ago, Porthos said:

Staff is also here to assist as you should already know including the dev of browser guard.


Licensing issues for the most part.

As for the support request, Have you submitted more than one request and what is your ticket number?

Most other customer suports have the service of live chat and option of remote acces,to  help to give a direct solution to the issues.

I have submitted two support tickets,since the first take  so long  to give response.

The latest ticket was support ticket 3985211

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Just now, sten2 said:

I have submitted two support tickets

Each time you submit another ticket the wait time for a response time starts over. That wait time is usually 3-7 weekdays but can take longer when support is extra busy.

That is why there is a support forum. Most issues can be dealt with here.

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The issues i having with Malwarebytes browserguard in Firefox is that it does not show blocking detections at all. Everytime i open the browser i first must uninstall the browserguard,then reinstall it in order to have it to show blocking counts. And even doing so,it does not always shows blocking counts for Youtube and Amazon or some other sites like it should do.

I have followed the supports directive by refreshing Firefox and so on,but it has not helpt.

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On 9/27/2022 at 9:58 PM, Porthos said:

That would have been faster and better discussed and solved in most cases here on the forums.


Well,now i have described exactly my issues with the browserguard in Firefox here at the forums,so lets see if anyone here can give advice on this.

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  • Root Admin


On 9/27/2022 at 1:18 PM, sten2 said:

This issue goes deep,and i dont think average users could help with this issue.


Hello @sten2

Well, I cannot promise I can fix your issue, but I have over 30 years of experience supporting Corporate Enterprise as well as the Consumer market.

I've made over 100K posts here on the forums in 14 years. The next two highest posters at 34K and 31K are not even here anymore.

So I might be able to assist you as long as you're willing to work with me.

I'd like to get some logs to start off, please, and I will move your topic to the Malware Removal forums so that others cannot post there while we work on the issue.


To begin, please do the following so that we may take a closer look at your installation for troubleshooting:

NOTE: The tools and the information obtained are safe and not harmful to your privacy or your computer, please allow the programs to run if blocked by your system.

  • Download the Malwarebytes Support Tool
  • In your Downloads folder, open the mb-support-x.x.x.xxx.exe file
  • In the User Account Control pop-up window, click Yes to continue the installation
  • Run the MBST Support Tool
  • In the left navigation pane of the Malwarebytes Support Tool, click Advanced
  • In the Advanced Options, click Gather Logs. A status diagram displays the tool is Getting logs from your machine
  • A zip file named mbst-grab-results.zip will be saved to your desktop, please upload that file on your next reply

Thank you


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  • Root Admin

Without digging in too far, I see the following

1. You're using Express VPN - they can already block Ads on their own to some degree. Round trip notification may be affected by them possibly
2. You're running Norton Antivirus which it too has web blocking capabilities

I'm curious if you turn off VPN and disable Norton real-time protections temporarily does that change anything?


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 Express VPN had an ads on that has the features:

stop HTML5 geolocation and blocks Web RTC leaks,nothing more. It has never interfered with MB Browserguard before.

I am using Norton Antivirus,but i have their own Web Protection turned of,since it would otherwise interfer with MB Browserguard.

I temporarily disabled Norton real-time protection and turned off the VPN,but it did not changed anything.

I have made exclusions in both Norton for Malwarebytes and in Malwarebytes for Norton,so they should not interfer with eachother in anyway.


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  • Root Admin

Can we look at cleaning up Firefox?

We can backup the entire profile first if you're concerned about saving any of the history, cookies, etc.  Let me know if you want to or need help.


This will remove all extensions so if you've customized uBlock Origins you may want to export it's settings

Then uninstall the Malwarebytes Browser Guard from Firefox

The copy and past into the browser address bar



Then click on "Refresh Firefox" under "Give Firefox a tune up"

After Firefox restarts then go to this setting


Scroll down to "Cookies and Site Data" and click on the "Clear Data..." button.
Clear everything

Under History, Clear Everything


Then reinstall just the Malwarebytes Browser Guard - allow it to also block Personal would be my suggestion

Then visit https://msn.com and it should show at least some blocking


I just ran all of the above on my own browser and then in the tool bar I see the following



Then when opening Browser Guard UI - I see the following



Then, restart your computer and test again by going to https://msn.com again and see if you continue to get them blocked.




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I followed exactly these instructions you gave me,and now i only have Malwarebytes Browserguard installed,no other ads on.

It shows exactly those blocking detections as in your picture,when visiting msn.

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I reinstalled Ublock origin,and it shows blocking counts. Malwarebytes browserguard also shows blocking counts at for example msn.com.  However,Malwarebytes browserguard does not show any blocking counts at Youtube like it use to do before,and when i visit Youtube this prompt appears(see attahcment).


Youtube prompt.PNG

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16 minutes ago, AdvancedSetup said:

That is because we removed all cookies for YouTube

You need to accept them if you want the site to run properly, and log back into your account there if you have one.


Ok,i see! I have always declined every cookies from Youtube. Earlier this prompt never appeared back ago. I accepted,and then  Malwarebytes showing blocking counts.

I thought this step allowing cookies from Youtube was not good doing,thought that Ublock and Malwarebytes Browserguard should handle this,but i guess i was wrong.


Now i have reinstalled all my ads ons:Express VPN,Ublock,Privacy badger,Decentreal eyes and now it appears to be working. Malwarebytes show blocking counts.


Well, i think that was the little step that i overlooked,that one had to accept Youtubes cookies. For the moment,it now appears to work like it should.


Thank you for assisting!😃


We could hold this topic open for a little while more so that i can testdrive it throrogly with my current settings.



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