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Has Malwarebytes find any cure for the latest SOVA virus, a trojan

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Hi, Recently this Sova virus is the talking topic on the world viewing topics.

The virus or trojan, or malware is having stealthy stature by its inlusive ransome ware and uninstallable nature .

make matters worse, the update enables the malware to leverage its wide-ranging permissions to deflect uninstallation attempts by redirecting the victim to the home screen and displaying the toast message "This app is secured."

The banking trojan, feature-rich as it is, is also expected to incorporate a ransomware component in the next iteration, which is currently under development and aims to encrypt all files stored in the infected device using AES and rename them with the extension ".enc." The enhancement is likely to make SOVA a formidable threat in the mobile threat landscape.

Has Malwarebytes dug deep in to it to include in its mobile app


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This is an Android trojan, not a virus and does not affect Windows.  Since your post was not a Windows Ransomware or Rogue software file submission, I moved your post to the Android sub-forum.

Please reference:  SOVA malware adds ransomware feature to encrypt Android devices


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Hi, Thank you David.

Will you say, that it is a threat to android mobiles, that if you just use the net banking in computers, you could avoid this ransomeware?

I mean that if you do banking transactions with password and user id in net banking using the  net banking page of the url,

Will not this virus affect pc users

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That's correct.  A Browser on a PC accessing the Bank's web site is not affected.

I have always stated that one should not concentrate on any specific malware.  Instead look at the system holistically, have Situational Awareness and think about protecting against all malware, threats and intrusions.  Think and protect against all points of ingress and steer away from those constructs that have the propensity to be a malicious vector. 

Edited by David H. Lipman
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Hi, that is wonderful.

Would you say, that https bank name would be secure to proceed?

This is a very useful tip for crores of people .

As technique of manpower is reduced and all the things are taken care of servers, this risk is sure to occur.

Please say some thing more on the safety tips.

Many people  may not be knowing the techy savvy details of the attack. You have given a useful and simple solution. Thanks.

How the access of pc for financial transaction is safe

And how the access thro the mobile for the same is getting affected . I would like you to say, so that many people will get benefited by the advice


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It is very simple.  The malware targets the Android OS not the MAC, Unix/Linux or Windows OS'.  Thus it does not factor into the discussion for them.  They have their own malware to deal with that don't target the Android OS.


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What do you mean "solution" and I previously stated this is a trojan not a virus.

@mbam_mtbr has already indicated that the Android based Malwarebytes software detects the malware.

On 9/27/2022 at 8:09 AM, mbam_mtbr said:

According to the samples provided by original writeup from Cleafy, we already detect this malware.


Edited by David H. Lipman
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Hi, David, Sorry for the late reply. I had not logged in for the past few days.

Your Quote:

What do you mean "solution" and I previously stated this is a trojan not a virus.

@mbam_mtbr has already indicated that the Android based Malwarebytes software detects the malware.

Sorry, I just understand his posts as having detected the trojan, but from your clear post, that malware bytes have given solution by finding and fixing the trojan.

If that is what meant by mbam-mtbr above.

I once again thank you for your net banking system thro pc

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