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Question on ActiveDirectory Domain, DHCP and WIFI at Home

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I'll try to sum this up as well as I possibly can

I'm in the process of setting up my homelab. I have Laptop 1, Laptop 2. On Laptop 1, I am connected to the Internet via WIFI. I have VirtualBox running on Laptop 1, network mode: Bridge Adapter [insert name of my WIFI card]. I have created a VM running Windows Server 2019. This VM is running DHCP, AD DS and DNS server roles. First I set up the DHCP, after that I set up AD DS and DNS. I created the DHCP scope without issues as well. I could join another - client - VM to my AD domain without issues but I can't join Laptop 2 (physical device) to my domain to save  my life. When I plug the Ethernet cable into Laptop 2, it asks me if I wanna enable network discovery on it (including the AD domain name in the message): I said yes. Then I tried to join it - Ethernet still plugged in - to my AD domain, but it said: 'Cannot join device to domain; network path not found'. When I checked the IPv4 stats, the IPv4 DNS and DHCP address both pointed to the IP address of my Server VM. So it should be fine theoretically but it didn't work in reality

Should I have disabled the DHCP server function on my physical router? Should I have connected Laptop1 to the Internet via Ethernet instead of WIFI before creating my Server VM? 

Please help me 

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I am going to make a personal observation.

You post a lot of topics like this one on a forum that is dedicated mostly to the support of Malwarebytes products. You should be looking for forum that are more dedicated to these subjects.

Have you looked for forums more dedicated to your typical subject matter you have been posting?

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44 minutes ago, Porthos said:

I am going to make a personal observation.

You post a lot of topics like this one on a forum that is dedicated mostly to the support of Malwarebytes products. You should be looking for forum that are more dedicated to these subjects.

Have you looked for forums more dedicated to your typical subject matter you have been posting?

Not sure where to look. I'm only trying to learn. Also, isn't this subforum called 'general help'? 

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7 minutes ago, WannabeSysAdminx said:

Not sure where to look. I'm only trying to learn.

Google is your best friend.

7 minutes ago, WannabeSysAdminx said:

Also, isn't this subforum called 'general help'? 

General "PC" help, not active directory and server help. Most of the people are here to support the Malwarebytes program. Although there are a few here who have the experience in the field you ask about, they are here to support the Malwarebytes program.

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