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Google.com blocked and Issues with Nebula


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Just an update to my own post, just got this from Julia at Malwarebytes Support "We have just pushed out the database with the fix, so update the database an make sure all is now ok."  

I have tested it with Premium and Android and it seems to have fixed the issue with *.google.com.



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1 minute ago, Ausy said:

Cant even access nebular to add exceptions, it will not load, this is terrible and brought down our whole working environment....

Ausy, I am still having the issue with Nebula even though the Premium users seem to be fixed ... you would think they (Malwarebytes) would put the businesses license holders first for the amount of money that we pay!


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1 minute ago, jschoppert said:

Ausy, I am still having the issue with Nebula even though the Premium users seem to be fixed ... you would think they (Malwarebytes) would put the businesses license holders first for the amount of money that we pay!


Indeed, fingers crossed it will fixed by the morning when staff return. I've closed nebular as Im fed up looking at it whirling round. and round.....

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It was frustrating to see the fix available for individual clients but not be able to access the Nebula dashboard for any of our clients.   It took another hour for the fix to make it out to our clients, even though we still couldn't load the Nebula dashboard.   I stopped checking after that, but another hour went by (15 minutes or so ago now) and I see Nebula is back up and running.

Just FYI, in retrospect, we could have pushed a manual update using our RMM product using the following command on the endpoint:

"C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes Endpoint Agent\UserAgent\EACmd.exe" --updateprotection


We didn't do that, because we didn't know about this approach until things were already starting to right themselves.   I put it in my notes in case there is a next time, though.

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