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UniFi 7.1.68 Flagged as a False Positive


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12 hours ago, Porthos said:

Before this event, have you made ANY changes at all to the default exploit settings? In other words have you checked any settings that are usually off by default.

Also your Malwarebytes is a bit out of date in program versions.

Nah haven't made any changes before this event. Hmm odd that its out of date, I typically install updates when they're available for it. I'll update it and and the other items here to see if that resolves it. 

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10 hours ago, Arthi said:

Hi bbrown,

Can you turn off this setting - "Prevent malicious inbound shell attacks". You can find it in the Exploit advanced settings->Java Protection



I'll check this out to see if that makes any changes. Last night I just allowed java as an exception with in the software so I could manage my switches.

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