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Random devices being added to account

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I'm running Mawarebytes Premium with a 1 device limit on 1 home pc. Every day or 2 I have to go into my account and delete out the 2 random devices that have been added resulting in my account exceeding it's one device limit and malwarebytes to stop working. My Key is from Malwarebytes directly and has not been used by me on any other device. I'm not sure what is happening but Please help. Thank you!

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  • Root Admin

Good day, @ibjeepr

You will need to create a support ticket for any licensing issues. We can help you on the forums with technical issues but not with licensing or billing issues.


Consumer Support



Thank you


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4 minutes ago, AdvancedSetup said:

Good day, @ibjeepr

You will need to create a support ticket for any licensing issues. We can help you on the forums with technical issues but not with licensing or billing issues.


Consumer Support



Thank you


OK, I wasn't sure if it was a licensing issue or if me running a VPN could be the problem or if the system was just detecting my PC differently every time.

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