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I'm conecerned about my Win10 Pro on my PC.

I re-install every 2-3 months as I change ofter HW-s on my PC, but the following issue keeps coming back all the time:

Shopping like AliExpress and other sites - showing I'm from ROMANIA, but I'm from the UK.

Other sites as well doing the same, nothing has been changed on the Settings at all.

I use Asus RT-AC88U Router with Asus Merlin. Nothing major moficiations has been changed by myself, just security.

Any help would be appreciated.



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No.  GeoIP a function of the website's use of GeoIP interpretation as it is a client OS independent function.

It is like a person who speaks English with an accent and a 3rd party says, "Oh, you are from Australia."  And the person says no, I am from South Africa.

It is not the fault of the English speaker, it is the misinterpretation of the listener's false presumption.


I think it is funny when I use a Proxy and the GeoIP based ads give 'spastic' results based upon my IP exit node.




Edited by David H. Lipman
Edited for content, clarity, spelling and/or grammar
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What is the result of;  https://ipinfo.io/json


No need to reply with specifics as the results create a privacy issue.  It is just for your own information and reinforcement of the relevant subject matter.

Edited by David H. Lipman
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