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False Positive section for Business Customers?

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Is it worthwhile to have a False Positive section for Business Customers? The initial help I get from the "Malwarebytes for Home Support" section tends to be irrelevant because Malwarebytes Home / Premium and Malwarebytes Nebula / OneView are so radically different.

Or should I only open Business Support Tickets instead of posting on this forum?

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1 hour ago, AlexLeadingEdge said:

Or should I only open Business Support Tickets instead of posting on this forum?

As long as the detection is an actual file or website, the current sections are fine. Exploits have their own section but, it does not get as much attention and like you said the logs are different plus users like my self are only versed in the consumer version.

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  • Root Admin

As @Porthos mentioned. The file, resource, etc are the same. The engine and the coding for the business are different, but the underlying detections is the same. Having even more places to check on the forums actually makes their job more difficult.

Thank you for your suggestion though.


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