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Cloudfront malware blocking on ebay sign-in page


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Recently noticed one of the cloudfronts being marked as malware on the ebay sign-in page (which has now been there for at least 10 days). As far as I have seen so far, it only seems to appear on the sign-in page, but because that is a page where you enter personal details into, I'm more wary than on a page that you just read a news article, for example.

Based on the Malwarebytes articles on cloudfronts, they are flagged because of their association with malware, but aren't a guarantee of risk, correct? Is it safe to continue to use the sign-in page as normal or might there be more to this page than just a dodgy cloudfront?

Thanks for any help! I've attached a screenshot of Browser Guard with the malware in question.


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It's on


though I'm not outright blocked from accessing the page, but I am wary on the rare occasions Browser Guard detects something it flags and blocks as malware, especially on a login page. Usually it's just ads/trackers by the bucketload.


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