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I'm an 87 year old non-techie using windows 10.

I've been using Norton 360  for several years but recently added MalwareBytes pro as well.

Do I need them both? If so, I would prefer to stay with MalwareBytes.

Do I have enough protection with MalwareBytes alone, or Is there any additional protections I should add?



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2 minutes ago, toopah99 said:

Do I have enough protection with MalwareBytes alone, or Is there any additional protections I should add?

I would go with Malwarebytes premium alongside Windows security (Defender) unless you enjoy paying for Norton as well and the Norton "performance" hit as well.

No matter which way you choose it is still upon you the user to practice safe internet skills and caution.

When you get to your decision, please come back and I/we can assist further with some advice.

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Thank you for your reply. When I looked at Windows Defender, it indicated that all the features it has was already being controlled by Norton. So, if Defender (which is a free feature of Windows) provides this protection free of charge, what do I need Norton for? Your suggestion makes sense to me! Since my Norton360 subscription is about to expire shortly, I will follow your advice and not renew. It seems that Norton is merely a fancy version of what Defender already does. Who knew??

It appears that there are many options for adding specific features to Defender but i am not knowledgeable enough to set them up. Do you know where I can get some information or guidance in doing this?

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16 minutes ago, toopah99 said:

It appears that there are many options for adding specific features to Defender but i am not knowledgeable enough to set them up. Do you know where I can get some information or guidance in doing this?

Just let it operate on default settings. To allow Defender to run alongside Malwarebytes, you need to turn off the following setting in Malwarebytes or Malwarebytes will disable defender just like Norton did. I would also run the Norton removal tool after you uninstall it the normal way. https://norton.com/nrnr


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Hi Porthos,

I have to say "Thank you" once again. I appreciate your immediate replies and sincere interest in being helpful.

My Norton membership expires sometime in September so since I've already paid for the service, I might as well use it to the fullest until then. Frankly, I never expected to find someone who would have the interest and patience to guide me through this as you are.

Until then (Norton expiration), I will be away from my computer while I travel to NY for the weddings of 2 grandchildren and the 1st birthday of my first great-grandson.

Thank you.

.... Toopah99

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