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Unblock our site - emaze

Go to solution Solved by JPopovic,

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Hello Malwarebytes team,

Recently, one of our users contacted us to complain that Malwarebytes had blocked our domain emaze.me.

Our company, emaze visual software system LTD, is a content creation platform. emaze has more than 50M users, 100K new users a month, and 100M+ user-generated content.

There are millions of users who create websites on the emaze platform. those users can choose whether to use their own domain or emaze.me as a domain we are providing them.

Here at emaze, we are doing all need to detect and block all malicious websites created by users.

We Did some changes to all our free users who create website with the help of our editor:

1. When we found an malware content from emaze.me we redirect to www.emaze.com/error which is recognized by the scanner as a 404 error (though you still consider it a suspicious site).

2. The footer on free websites has "Report abuse" button.

We would like Malwarebytes to remove us from this blocking list and allow more users to create content using our platform. 

If there are more things we need to do for that to happened, please advice. 

Emaze Team

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