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Projects Launcher.exe | Malware.AI.4278209175


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Thank you for your very thorough report :)

This should no longer be detected as the file is now whitelisted. If you still see an issue with a detection. Follow the steps below:

  1. Totally exit/shutdown Malwarebytes.
  2. Go to here in explorer: C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\MBAMService
  3. Delete the following file only: hubblecache
  4. Then you can restart MBAM and the cache file will rebuild on the next scan.
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1 minute ago, thisisu said:

Thank you for your very thorough report :)

This should no longer be detected as the file is now whitelisted. If you still see an issue with a detection. Follow the steps below:

  1. Totally exit/shutdown Malwarebytes.
  2. Go to here in explorer: C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\MBAMService
  3. Delete the following file only: hubblecache
  4. Then you can restart MBAM and the cache file will rebuild on the next scan.

Thanks a lot. How long it does take affect to VirusTotal's analyse system?

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It was fixed but Malware.AI.4278209175 occured again my latest commit. I was fixed very small thing which is causing users can't input "_" in their nicknames.

My latest commit: https://github.com/projects-gg/MinecraftLauncher/commit/03d57e5b04444c0ff2b0b16f30c88a0b421f250c

VirusTotal result: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/4f57c98f90eca532df223550ec58722d8e7bf9b92022bac56494a1a6c4d5ef91?nocache=1

Sorry for wasting your time. I opened this thread because the accurate results are important for end users.

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