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How to erase overwrite C: drive?


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I want to overwrite C drive to securely erase any hidden partitions, and then reinstall Windows 10.  The problems is I do not understand how to overwrite the C drive from a usb stick or the bios.  Can anyone assist with overwriting the drives, and having them ready to reinstall windows.

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If you completly reinstall Windows 10 from a USB stick then that will reformat the drive before installing Windows.

Download the Media Creation tool from here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10

Have USB stick with at least 8GB on hand and use the option "Using the tool to create installation media (USB flash drive, DVD, or ISO file) to install Windows 10 on a different PC".

You can use the same computer you want to reinstall on to create the USB installation media first.
Download and run the Media Creation tool to create the files needed on the USB.
Then booting that machine from the USB will reformat the drive and install Windows.

It tells you how to boot from USB in that 'Using the tool ...' article, but just in case you need it: https://www.businessinsider.com/how-to-boot-from-usb-windows-10?r=US&IR=T

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I am quite certain I have some sort of hidden infection or hijacked Windows services that has been carrying over Windows reinstalls. It does not show up in FRST or Malwarebytes scans. I recently reset all service/file/registry permissions and it has neutralized the effects of the infection for the moment, but I know it is still there and will be again when I reinstall. Without going into all the details, I have determined I must wipe the SSD completely using a method different than the Windows quick format during reinstalls. So I am hoping someone knows how to wipe m.2 nvme SSD from USB, and have it ready to attempt another Windows install.
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I have found intel makes a program.  It shows my drive and has a secure erase option, but I cannot do it because It has the Windows I am using on it.  Is there a way to boot this from a usb, or another free option?  Is it possible to momentarily move the Windows partition to another drive, so I can wipe the drive?


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In your case I would just buy a new 256gig SSD and pop it in and install windows to that.

If available in your country, I have installed many of these and have had no issues, https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07L6FJS7V/?coliid=I3OVMF0HZ9UJ6Z&colid=2C62N8Q8N0AKG&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it

To wipe existing drives I use parted magic. https://partedmagic.com/secure-erase/

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