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Railway.app Browser Guard False Positive

Go to solution Solved by BjelakovicL,

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Hello team,

I am Angelo Saraceno (https://www.linkedin.com/in/angelo-saraceno/) a support engineer at Railway, a hosting company. Our platform allows users to host their code quickly automating the annoying thing about software developing- getting to production. One of the easy things we allow users to do is assign domains to their deploys with a wildcard subdomain such as *.up.railway.app. However, some of our users are reporting that Malwarebytes Browser Guard is reporting our site as a phishing site. I have been able to reproduce this within the Chrome extension as well: 

VirusTotal is reporting our site as 100 percent clean: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/url/fb79cfe7c9d5f18e8e53a8b351ae713023532ed4e13886378dce8cbb4c05de27 so I am wondering where this positive came from.

Is it possible for us to remove the website from the blocklist? (and if you have found some offending phishing sites using our wildcard domain, we would be more than happy to ban those users)


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