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Possible false positive in Vendor provided variant of OpenTrack


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This is detected by our MachineLearning engine, which helps to protect even better against 0day threats. Unfortunately, as this is a heuristic engine, it's possible False Positives happen. Also see here for more explanation: https://forums.malwarebytes.com/topic/238670-machinelearninganomalous-detections-and-explanation/
Thanks for reporting these, as this helps to finetune the engine, so these won't be detected in the future anymore.

Edited to add: I can't reproduce detection on this file. Are you sure this is the exact file you want to report? Thx!

Edited by miekiemoes
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Thanks for confirming that - I had read that it was a 97% variance detection from your list of programs in the heuristic detection you run - therefore possibly a false positive. But I decided it worth sending because of the one vendor who also flagged it up when checked on VirusTotal. As to whether it is the file that I wished to report, I've just recalled that this didn't occur on the installation (the exe file I submitted), but on first run of the installed program. Sorry about that. I'll restore the file from quarantine that did trigger the alert, check that using VirusTotal and resubmit accordingly - although I accept it is probably OK and will help, as you say, with fine tuning the engine. I also have alerted the provider of the software (he provides his own build of the OpenTrack software to support his product - Trackhat. I'm sure he'll want to look into it in case other customers start reporting it has getting quarantined.

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