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Today I use the standard version of MalwareBytes to protect company machines, most running macOS and only a few running Windows.

As I want to have more control over the security part of the company, I'm thinking of migrating MalwareBytes to EDR.  But with that came some doubts about the functioning of the EDR.

  • Can I block external devices on the machines (USB flash drive, External HDD, etc?) 
  • Can I check if users are getting infected?
  • Can I check if users are running the endpoint?I've had cases where the user tried to install an update and didn't complete it and went months without the application running.

  *I posted here because I tried to contact the commercial in Brazil and got no response.

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Hi @PokyWizard,

I am the Technical Product Manager of the Malwarebytes Endpoint Agent that our cloud-managed "Endpoint Protection" and 'Endpoint Detection and Response" use. I can help answer your technical product questions.

1 hour ago, PokyWizard said:

Can I block external devices on the machines (USB flash drive, External HDD, etc?) 

Yes, we added Device Control earlier this year for Windows endpoints. This gives you the ability to block external storage devices. You can learn more about it here: https://service.malwarebytes.com/hc/en-us/articles/4417282329491-Device-Control-in-Malwarebytes-Nebula

1 hour ago, PokyWizard said:

 Can I check if users are getting infected?

Yes, you can see if users are getting infected from the Nebula Console and via Notification emails as well as detailed reporting.

1 hour ago, PokyWizard said:

Can I check if users are running the endpoint? I've had cases where the user tried to install an update and didn't complete it and went months without the application running.

Yes, the Nebula Console will list all endpoints you have installed the Endpoint Agent on as well as the versions of the protection components that are installed/running.

Updates can be handled for you automatically too so you don't have to worry about what an end-user did or did not install.

1 hour ago, PokyWizard said:

I posted here because I tried to contact the commercial in Brazil and got no response.

That's not cool. Drop me an email at alsmith@malwarebytes.com and I will get you in contact with our sales teams personally.

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3 hours ago, AlexSmith said:

Yes, we added Device Control earlier this year for Windows endpoints. This gives you the ability to block external storage devices. You can learn more about it here: https://service.malwarebytes.com/hc/en-us/articles/4417282329491-Device-Control-in-Malwarebytes-Nebula

This feature is then only for Windows machines, correct?

Another issue still in Windows. Does MalwareBytes already support Windows ARM versions? As in some cases we need to run Windows 11 on Paralles, it ends up installing the ARM version. At least the "basic" version of MB doesn't support it.

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On 5/27/2022 at 7:59 PM, PokyWizard said:
This feature is then only for Windows machines, correct?

Currently, It's Windows only but we plan to bring it to macOS later this year.

On 5/27/2022 at 7:59 PM, PokyWizard said:
Another issue still in Windows. Does MalwareBytes already support Windows ARM versions? As in some cases we need to run Windows 11 on Paralles, it ends up installing the ARM version. At least the "basic" version of MB doesn't support it.

As @AdvancedSetup called out, we do not currently support ARM64 versions of Windows. It's on our roadmap and will have more to share later this year. 

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