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Continuous Typing of the Number 8


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I have a Lenovo Win10 laptop 1Tb 16gb ram.   It appears to be possessed by a virus.  All Windows "windows" into which one can type information are automatically filled with continuous typing of the number 8. 

I have run Malwarebytes and it reports no sign of virus/malware.  I did manage to get the system to boot in safe mode and the problem does not appear.

The problem appears at computer signin and every windows window that opens and into which one can type.

I have unloaded and re-loaded the keyboard driver when I was able to get to the device manager.  The problem persists.

Keyboard shortcuts seem to work.

In light of the inability to type, I may be able to install items form a second computer but downloading may be impossible.

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Dave -- thanks for the response.  I have no external keyboard.  At the moment, the issue has disappeared, again. It did continue when I activated the onscreen keyboard.

It started a few days ago and "seemed" to go away then when I reinstalled the keyboard driver (device manager and reboot).  It returned and would not "go away" even if I reinstalled the keyboard driver. Now, it's gone.  It is either a failing keyboard OR a virus.

Attached is a just completed Malwarebytes log.

2022 04 11 1511 MWB Log.txt

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A virus is a specific kind of malware.  Just like a Chevrolet is a specific kind of Automobile.  It is doubtful that this is a case of malware and more likely a hardware issue.  More specifically a "stuck" key.

One must apply the principles of Occam's Razor and that one should select the solution with the fewest assumptions.  In other words the simplest explanation is usually the correct one.  That is a hardware issue in the case of a stuck key.

The best way to determine this is by the concept of elimination.  That is bypass the internal keyboard and use an external keyboard.  If it works without issue then the problem is with the notebook keypad.  Not an uncommon problem.

Edited by David H. Lipman
Edited for content, clarity, spelling and/or grammar
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i don't look for Zebras, initially, when I hear hoof beats.  I have been down this road before and cleaned out the keyboard first looking for mechanical debris (none). No liquids were spilled.

I already have a call into the mfr as I have onsite service.  I will continue to evaluate.



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