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Malwarebytes has recently started blocking my website claiming that it may be compromised.  This has only been happening for a few weeks.  I have checked the site contents and I cannot find anything untoward.  My hosting company are not interested. The URL is www.newman-furiture.co.uk  The IP address is

Any help that you can give me to help me understand why this is happening and how to rectify the problem will be appreciated.


Mike Newman

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  • Root Admin

Hello @MichaelNewman

Someone from our Web Research team will check on this. I did a very basic check and the IP for me doesn't seem to match or the name is possibly typed wrong?



canonical name    ip-92-204-218-48.ip.secureserver.net.





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I have once again been in touch with 123-reg and they insist that the IP address is clean.  Here is the text of their response:


I’ve checked with the hosting team and they’ve confirmed that the IP is valid, it hasn’t been used for spam or anything like this, so Malwarebytes shouldn’t have any reason to block it.

Kind regards, Stephen, 123 reg

If you still believe that this IP address is suspicious, please be more specific so we can get this problem resolved.

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