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My name is John, and I work at Honeygain – a company that offers an internet-sharing application for desktop and mobile users. It has been brought to my attention by some of our users that your anti-virus software has been marking the Honeygain application as malicious software on Windows or even blocking it completely. I am writing to assure you our application is 100% trustworthy and poses no threat to its users or their networks, and kindly ask you to whitelist it.

Honeygain is a legitimate application that has been active for more than two years now. It currently has millions of daily users that opt to share a portion of their internet bandwidth in exchange for a financial reward. Their connection is then used to maintain a crowdsourced web intelligence network that has already helped hundreds of businesses to gather publicly available web data required to facilitate tasks like advertising campaign verification, price comparison, or travel fare aggregation, as well as perform assessments by cybersecurity companies. 

Our users are fully informed about how their internet connection is used and what for. We provide a lot of educational content on our website, as well as the company’s blog and social media pages. We are thrilled to say that according to the results of our User Experience and Awareness Survey conducted in 2021, our users not only find Honeygain easy to use but also feel properly informed and comfortable with sharing their internet bandwidth (you can find the entire survey report here: https://webassets.honeygain.com/uploads/2021/07/29121834/User-Experience-and-Awareness-Survey-Report-2021.pdf

Honeygain is a free application suite that provides individual users worldwide with an opportunity to generate passive money effortlessly. In addition to Honeygain, our team offers a separate B2B-focused project called Swarmbytes for ISPs and other companies looking to create a new revenue stream by monetizing their idle network infrastructure.

Getting Honeygain whitelisted by antivirus applications is critical to ensure that our customers don’t get false positives when using Honeygain on their desktop and mobile devices in the future. As you can surely understand, such cases ultimately mislead our customer base and cause significant financial and reputational damage to the Honeygain brand.

I’d like to ask you to confirm whether you can whitelist the honeygain.exe application – and if any additional details are required to complete this process, don’t hesitate to contact me: I’ll be happy to provide them at the soonest possible time!

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