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I don't want the icon on the desktop either so in previous updates I unticked the option and then did a Save during the install.    Looks like it has remembered that because I run the Beta on all my PC's and my two Desktops and one Laptop have all updated to with NO icon created on the desktop.   They are all on Windows 11--Version 22000.469.

I have just powered up my Windows 10 laptop and it updated  o.k.---- again with NO icon created.  So it's not related to the Windows version but has obviously remembered my preference from previous updates.


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27 minutes ago, RTL434 said:

I don't want the icon on the desktop either so in previous updates I unticked the option and then did a Save during the install.    Looks like it has remembered that because I run the Beta on all my PC's and my two Desktops and one Laptop have all updated to with NO icon created on the desktop.   They are all on Windows 11--Version 22000.469.

I have just powered up my Windows 10 laptop and it updated  o.k.---- again with NO icon created.  So it's not related to the Windows version but has obviously remembered my preference from previous updates.


It probably applies to only new installs not upgrades. Or a clean install will do it as well.

Just my guess.

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I did an update and it did create an icon on my desktop.  That really makes no sense.  I can see it on a new install.  However, if I'm already using Malwarebytes and I do an update then if I already have an icon on the desktop that icon will still work and if I don't already have one on the desktop I probably don't want one there.  So, for an update it makes no sense to add an icon to the desktop.


Edited by BillH99999
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