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Seems like this should be painfully obvious to know but I can't quite see where I'm able to view my support tickets.

I made a ticket back in August and assumed I never got a response, only to find a response email buried deep in my inbox, as I receive a flood of emails from every login attempt now (Mbytes site doesn't seem to remember my browser so requires the Verification code every single session, which is an email every time) and various other emails.

Regarless, I have no idea how to respond to the ticket, do I just respond directly from the email itself? Or is there an actual support ticket system on the site somewhere that is eluding me?


I tried to 'Sign In' on the https://support.malwarebytes.com but that just redirects me to my dashboard and then acts like it's signed out when I go back to the Support. part of the site again.

Rather confused.


Any help would be greatly appreciated

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  • Root Admin

Hello @Session and :welcome:

Support Tickets are handled directly via email. Make sure that you don't block them. You can check your Junk or Spam folder for them.

Typically at the moment due to high volume it takes about 5 to 7 days before you will receive a reply from a Support Agent.

You can submit a ticker for Support from the following link: https://support.malwarebytes.com/hc/en-us/requests/new


For issues logging into the Forums please review the following topic. Note that your My Account login is not related to the forums at all.


You can review further information about My Account from the following links



If there is anything else I can assist you with please let me know.

Thank you


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