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Whitelist Site - Site links and functions to break


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Can you whitelist *.lfg.com, *.LincolnFinancial.com, and *.lfd.com? Our website support team is seeing a common issue with Web Guard blocking enough components of our site that it breaks the site for our users. Users are unable to access important financial information. 

Thank You


Jeffrey.Wood@lfg.com - Lincoln Financial Website Support for Registered Financial Professionals

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I do not think whitelisting those sites would add any value.  I believe the problem is a single tracker that is being blocked.  I need you or a member of your support staff to work with me to verify that, so that if it is the cause, I have justification for whitelisting the tracker.  While on one of your sites, click the Browser Guard icon.  You will see that tracker tags.tiqcdn.com is being blocked.  Click the checkmark that will appear to the right of its name and see if that fixes the problem.  Do this as early as you can so that any resulting behavior of interaction with the tracker does not corrupt test results.  Do not check all of those, because I am not allowed to whitelist all of them.  Based on past results, I am guessing this one specific block is the cause.  If you find that to be the case, please let me know so I can take appropriate steps.

Your assistance is required here because problems occur after users have been authenticated, not before. Thank you for your assistance.

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Awesome.  I expected that site to be the "cause" of the issue. One of the big problems with confirming Browser Guard issues is how many of them are post-authentication.  I must rely on customers to go the extra mile in those cases.

I am not sure what you are asking with regard to a recommended software package you can install.  If you can setup a test machine, create an account for me and provide username/password via a private message, I will be able to test according to the standards I am requested to use.  Because of those standards apply to a single site and not across the board, that also provides more information I can use to try for an "across the board" whitelist for the tracker.

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