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Browser guard interfering with website display and functionality

Go to solution Solved by renoir,

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Malware Browser guard is a bit overly aggressive, I think. It's causing the Tumblr blog layout editor preview and Tapatalk forum to malfunction.

When I edit my Tumblr blog's layout, the preview is blocked by the browser guard and it gives me a broken white screen. I have to turn the extension off every time I need to edit my blog.

It's also apparently tampering with Tapatalk's layout, making some buttons to randomly disappear and unclickable. I was not able to edit my post until I turn off the browser guard. 

So far these are the only two sites that I see affected, and it's otherwise very helpful at catching suspicious sites. 

Edited by renoir
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If you click on the Browser Guard icon while you are on the affected site, you will see a list of domains that have been blocked.  If the editing process is broken as a result of Browser Guard, you will need to provide a log that I can go through.  If the edited site is broken (and it is a public site), please post the URL so I can see the issue.

Browser Guard is aggressive in some cases.  If trackers are being blocked, a small number can be allowed for all sites, a larger number can be allowed for certain sites, and the remainder can only be handled with individual users' allow lists.

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