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First of all, I am a big fan of MB and currently use the free edition and new here in the forums. I am sure this question has been asked before.

I was considering upping my protection but didn't know if I can keep my Vipre installed simultaneously. Would they fight or work together?

Thanks for all you do!

~ Jeff

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  • Root Admin

If you do try using Vipre you can try the following exclusions and see if it helps. I agree with @Porthos though @Jeff-MN

Malwarebytes alone should be sufficient to protect the computer but the combination of Windows Defender and Malwarebytes is pretty solid.


Malwarebytes for Windows antivirus exclusions list





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5 hours ago, Jeff-MN said:

Would they fight or work together?

Back in my Win 7 era , they did work peaceably together.

But, with Win 10, Vipre adamantly would NOT install with MB present. I had to uninstall MB, install Vipre, and then re-install MB. Then they worked together again.

However, Vipre exacted a performance toll on my Win 10 computer. That, together with the likelihood of having to jump thru these hoops whenever Vipre had an update, led me to dispense with Vipre (after 10+ years) and stay with MB and my lifetime licenses.

MB and Defender are a good combo on my Win 10 machines. They work for me.

Of course, YMMV!

Note: Back in the day, I always had MB exclude Vipre files and folders from scanning, and vice versa. I also had MB and Vipre scanning at different times of the day.

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