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Resubmission -False positive "compromised" jeangreenhowe.com

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1 hour ago, guitareth said:

As nobody has responded since Monday to my original posting I am forced to re-submit it as a new topic! Very frustrating! Anyway, I refer you to my original post and thread at 


Hello-sorry for any delayed replies.

This IP is on our db due to brute force attacks as documented here within the hour: | Host Europe GmbH | AbuseIPDB

Brute-force attack - Wikipedia

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22 hours ago, Porthos said:

You should get a new IP from your hosting provider is a more non technical answer for you. Since you said in your other topic you wanted a non tech answer to your issue.

Also forum email notifications can be flaky from time to time.


Many thanks Porthos. It's a shame that the Malwarebytes staff member Zynthesist neither responded to my comments or had the decency or good sense to reply with as helpful a response as you. He just went straight to the brief factual response which was very unhelpful for non-technical customers like myself 🙄. I would hope that Malwarebytes staff will recognise this and make an effort in future to post more helpful responses - as indeed TeMerc has done by at least linking to a report. I have now asked my hosting provider to address this issue.

Furthermore - in case MalwareBytes are interested - I can confirm that I have still not received ANY email notifications to any updates on either of my posts relating to this matter (and again I have checked and confirmed that my antispam and antivirus apps have not blocked any such emails).

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1 hour ago, guitareth said:

I can confirm that I have still not received ANY email notifications to any updates on either of my posts relating to this matter

There seems to be a issue for some not all.

1 hour ago, guitareth said:

It's a shame that the Malwarebytes staff member Zynthesist

Some time we forget and assume that users understand that when an IP is blocked a new one is needed from the provider. Sometimes that will cost money as well.

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