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I had installed Malwarebytes for Teams on several of our computers on our LAN without issues. I tried to install it through a VPN tunnel to another subnet, and while I was configuring it I suddenly lost access to it. Now all remote access to that PC seems to be blocked, including access to a network share on that PC that we need up yesterday, as well as Windows Remote Desktop and Remote Utilities, both within the subnet and from outside to the external fixed IP. The user of that PC sees no problems, except that I was unable to fully minimize the impact of scanner runs to him. Short of going to his house to debug, what can I do?  I do still have remote access to the pfSense+ Netgear firewall/router that is being used for the VPN, port 3389 is where it should be in the NAT list, and rebooting it didn't solve the problem.  If I do go over there, apart from checking his detection history, what debug information should I capture for you?

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