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We have been using Malwarebytes for at least 10 years now and has saved us countless times so we love it and don't want to be without it.   However, our organization has increased in size and now we have what seems like several home subscriptions that are active and some that are expired calling for renewal but that don't list what computers they are for, just license numbers?.   

I realized that more recently there is a business variation here that we can utilize but haven't switched because we cannot tell what computer has what and are still being charged renewals of course.    Just confusing how to rectify what is active and what is not in the dashboard and perhaps switch over the newer business new paradigm.   Some computers it is installed on are probably long dead, but subscriptions may or may not be being charged. 

To sum it all up, how can we know what the computer name for the license is activated on?  

Best Regards,


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If you have any other questions or issues regarding licensing, Do the following.

This is one issue only the support desk can address.

Please contact our support team at https://support.malwarebytes.com/hc/en-us/requests/new to get help Please submit only one ticket/request.

Be advised it can take 3-7 weekdays for a response after the automated reply with your ticket number.

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  • Root Admin


It sounds like you probably need our business product Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection

Support can assist you with looking up previous licensing if needed.

If you do need further assistance though please let me know and I'll do my best to assist you.

Thank you again


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