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It's been a while since I've addressed this issue, but was wondering if there are any fixes yet to Malwarebytes breaking Windscribe VPN Split tunneling.  From my understanding PIA VPN has the same problem when Web Protection filter is enabled.  I've been a Malwarebytes user for many many years but I am considering going back to Defender if this issue isn't even being addressed by the developers.  I put in a support ticket on Windscribe and it was determined that the problem was definitely with Malwarebytes.  Could there be any exclusions or workarounds for this issue ??   When I addressed this issue previously on this forum, and sent the logs it was suggested that my (gaming) computer was very complex and would take a long time to analyze.  I have since a new computer Win10  I-7 11700k   Malwarebytes and Windscribe were two of the FIRSTprograms installed.  the problem still existed on a new setup.

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  • Root Admin

Hello @kstev99

The best thing to do is create a Support Ticket. That way it is logged and sent to an internal team. If they cannot resolve your issue they can open an internal support ticket for the QA and Dev teams to look into the issue further. We try to help users here on the forums if possible but if this is an ongoing issue for you then I think it's best to get it all logged internally.


You can create a ticket from the following link. NOTE: Due to high volumes and the holiday back log it may be up to two weeks before someone replies.



Thank you


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