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CG: False Positive Submission (Malware.Heuristic.1003)


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We have checked our software on virustotal and got false positive detections (Malware.Heuristic.1003).
Please check the protected zip file with sample: https://cloud.connectivegames.com/index.php/s/APbTxRwNw5t4esF
Password for the zip file is “infected” (without quotes).
The archive also contains link to virustotal reports.
Thank you!


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For staff.

File: 2
Malware.Heuristic.1003, C:\MALWARE TEST NO WD\VENDOR_MALWAREBYTES_2021_12_19\SURPDLA.NET_SETUP.EXE, No Action By User, 1000001, 0, 1.0.48760, 0000000000000000000003EB, dds, 01559224, E5DB6D0DEDD328C3C76B4E0F94CBD557, 140E395471EB87B43149BC1F971C852675AACF3269BB7349B0723C06AFD9D016
Malware.Heuristic.1003, C:\MALWARE TEST NO WD\VENDOR_MALWAREBYTES_2021_12_19\POKERBAZ_SETUP.EXE, No Action By User, 1000001, 0, 1.0.48760, 0000000000000000000003EB, dds, 01559224, 71F4B96EE922D914E0AD5BBD2835ED4B, 95FB85AB00F6D05B9B44FB2C89542FC9F343E5B93C79C2F9F0AE626F5EA5EE6F



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