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theportal.to incorrectly reported with API abuse message

Go to solution Solved by gonzo,

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I have whitelisted that site as well.

The "API abuse" blocks are due to unnecessary chatter between the browser and the user, triggered by the destination website. This behavior is typical of tech support scams and sites which try to scare a user into going to a site, downloading some piece of software or paying money to fix an issue that does not exist. I have no indication that either of these sites acted in that manner, but the alert/notification behavior crossed a threshold that we considered to be reasonable. Unfortunately, we cannot know the details of the website or the mindset of the user. That makes the threshold hard to define and ends up causing false positives such as these.

As long as the behavior is something that apps like Browser Guard are there to protect users from, it can be easily fixed. If browser vendors become more proactive in protecting users, that will cause website operators to fix similar issues or be blocked.

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