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Paypal payment screen question


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While trying to  make a credit card payment via Paypal payment screen (as Guest), saw some odd behavior (some of the fields were not the same as we've seen previously). Noticed that the Malwarebytes Browser Guard said "zn1ynnliufrct75cb-paypalxm.siteintercept.qualtrics.com." Does this indicate that Malwarebytes thinks this site has an issue? 

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qualtrics.com (aka; Qualtrics) is a PITA company that is paid to perform surveys, create and obtain metrics and other dubious actions.  For example you may go to a web site and you'll get a Pop-Up asking if you'd like to give Feedback or perform a Survey and this is done by Qualtrics.  The Feedback and Surveys are always bent and ONLY request your opinions on stupid stuff the web site owner thinks they need but alas, has nothing to do with YOUR Feedback.

Which Browser version was this and do you have a ScreenShot from Browser Guard ?


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Thanks for the response, Dave. We've seen this on Chrome (Version 95.0.4638.69 (Official Build) (64-bit)) and on MS Edge (Version 95.0.1020.44). We've also seen it on Firefox (94.0.1). Screen shot from Edge below.

Some experimentation on Chrome revealed that clearing the cache seems to result in the Paypal page looking correct again (sometimes it takes clearing the cache more than once). The Qualtrics block is still there in Browser Guard, so the two issues seem to be unrelated. That answers our main question. 

Thanks again.

Tom (& Jan)


Screenshot Browser Guard.jpg

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It is in the category of "tracker" and as such is blocked by Browser Guard. Trackers are unblocked ONLY when they interfere with the functionality of the website AND the tracker is not blocked by any major competitors. With regard to your original question, if the qualtrics site was shown in red, that would indicate high potential for malware. It was shown in black, so it was simply blocked as a tracker.

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