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False Positive - Our software is detected/blocked (Urgent)

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Few of our customers are complaining that our software is being blocked by Malwarebytes Premium. This is weird since when I SCAN the file, it comes out clean by Malwarebytes. Yet, customers are saying they're getting errors like "Operation did not complete successfully because the file contains a virus or potentially unwanted software".

Software download link is: https://pegasun.com/files/SystemUtilities/SystemUtilities.exe
Portable: https://pegasun.com/files/SystemUtilities/SystemUtilities.zip

Please clarify why this is being blocked/marked as a PUP/Malware. I would like you to be descriptive and LIST DOWN ALL the reasons for such. That way we can address it properly.

If there are no issues and this is a false-positive, then please WHITELIST us and prevent it from being detected again as a malware in the future.

About us: We are a legal LLC company serving from Phoenix, AZ, USA. We have been around for over 10 years and our software has been fine-tuned for over 10 years as well. You can look at our YouTube video where we describe the complete usage of our software: https://youtu.be/AAC0Jb4YRc0


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