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I just learned that my $39.99 personal premium allowed 5 devices to be used on my one account - while searching to upgrade my wife's free MalwareBytes. However from my account on my computer it says I can only add 1. 

When I login to my account, it says that I can only add 1. I deactivated all, waited a while and re-activated my account. It still shows only 1 allowed. The Malwarebytes "help" says I can.

WHERE do I add my wife onto my account? Any suggestion would be appreciated.

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7 minutes ago, leehljp said:

Thanks for the answer. But that doesn't match what my wife's computer listed if I purchase a premium account - when I went to update the free version on her computer. I looked at both screens side by side. Hers did say 5 accounts for $39.99. 

Without exposing your key, Can you get s screenshot of your my.malwarebytes account.

Also I am just going on the price shown here.


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