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Malwarebytes Browser Guard problem


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OMG. Malwarebytes/Browser Guard has shut down my real estate program for the third time in 2 months.  The site strongly recommends that I do not continue. How do I work then?

this site 



How can it be blocked? What is it? How do I remove it if the Malware program can't?  Picture of my screen attached.  I sell real estate but I do not work on computers very well.


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Unfortunately, just going to the site itself does not trigger any blocks. If I can't reproduce it, I need as much help from you as I can get.  That means I will need you to send me a Browser Guard log, and the steps to get it might be a bit challenging. I am assuming (and hoping) that you are using a Windows computer and that it is using Windows 10.  If you know more about computers than what I am assuming, I apologize for what sounds like baby steps.  Here goes...

  1. In the upper right corner of your browser, look for the Malwarebytes icon.  Click on it.  The Browser Guard interface will open (as shown in attached screenshot _step1.png).
  2. Click on the three vertical dots (in the upper right corner), then click on Support.  A new window will appear over the Browser Guard interface (as shown in attached screenshot _step2.png).
  3. Click on Download Debug Logs.  That will create a big file in your Downloads folder.
  4. In the Windows 10 search box (just to the right of the Windows logo), type explorer.  Under Apps, you will see a entry called File Explorer.  Click on that.
  5. Windows File Explorer will open.  On the left side, click on Downloads.  In the main part of the screen, you will see all the files in the Downloads folder.
  6. Click Date modified (if necessary) so that today's files are at the top).  If they are already, don't do that!
  7. The Browser Guard log file should be at the top of the list.  It has a filename that starts with BG-Logs and contains the program version number, date and time.  (There should only be one, so don't worry as long as you see it start with BG-LogsIn.  That file will have a JSONL extension (that may be shown as type JSONL File, depending on how your Windows Explorer is set up.
  8. Right click on the filename to open the context-sensitive menu.
  9. Select 7-Zip and the next to last option (Add to <really-long-file-name>.zip).  7-Zip will create a much smaller version of the log which you can send to us.
  10. Attach that ZIP file to your response here and I will try to find out more once I receive it.  If you got through all that, congratulations!  If not, there are people on the forums who can help you navigate the maze.

One last thing...I don't know yet whether this is truly malware or a false positive (a bad interpretation), but if it only affects you and not your users, I may have another way to get around this.




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